Keynote Speakers

Meet our Keynote Speakers

Dr. Thomas M. Coughlin
2023 IEEE President-Elect

Keynote Title: The value of IEEE for your career
Date : 30th December 2022
Time: 11.30 AM - 12.00 PM (Indian Standard Time)
Zoom Credentials :

IEEE WIECON-ECE 2022 Ball Room

Meeting Link:

Meeting ID: 833 3259 2584

Pass: wiecon

Biography :
Tom Coughlin, President, Coughlin Associates is a digital storage analyst and business/ technology consultant. He has over 40 years in the data storage industry with engineering and senior management positions. Coughlin Associates consults, publishes books and market and technology reports and puts on digital storage-oriented events. He is a regular contributor for and M&E organization websites. He is an IEEE Fellow, 2023 IEEE President Elect, Past-President IEEE-USA, Past Director IEEE Region 6 and Past Chair Santa Clara Valley IEEE Section, and is also active with SNIA and SMPTE. For more information on Tom Coughlin go to

Dr. Bozenna Pasik-Duncan
Professor, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas

Keynote Title: Diversity and Inclusion in Stochastic Systems and Control – Research and Education.
Date : 30th December 2022
Time: 06.45 PM - 07.15 PM (Indian Standard Time)
Zoom Credentials :

IEEE WIECON-ECE 2022 Ball Room

Meeting Link:

Meeting ID: 833 3259 2584

Pass: wiecon

Biography :

Bozenna Pasik-Duncan received Master's degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Warsaw, and Ph.D. and D.Sc. (Habilitation Doctorate) degrees from Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) in Poland. Before moving to the University of Kansas (KU) in 1984, she was a faculty member of Department of Mathematics at SGH. At KU she is Professor of Mathematics, Courtesy Professor of both EECS and AE, I2S and MMICC Investigator, CBC faculty affiliate, Chancellor’s Club Teaching Professor, and the KU Women's Hall of Fame member. She is a Life Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of IFAC, Fellow of AWM, member of IEEE-HKN, recipient of the IEEE Third Millennium Medal and the IEEE CSS Distinguished Member Award. She has served in many capacities in several societies including IEEE CSS Vice President, PTM- Warsaw Branch Vice President, IEEE CSS BOG member, Program Director of SIAM Activity Group on CST, Chair of IEEE CSS TC , AACC TC and IFAC TC on Control Education Committees, member of IFAC TB - Education Liaison, Chair of IFAC Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion, Chair of IEEE WIE Committee, member of IEEE SSIT BOG, Chair of SSIT Women in Engineering, CSS Representative in SSIT, SSIT Liaison in IEEE WIE and Chair of SSIT TC on Universal Access to Technology, Chair of IEEE Systems Council (SC) Committee on Diversity & Inclusion and SC Representative in IEEE TAB Committee on Diversity and Inclusion, co-founder of IEEE CSS Standing Committee on Women in Control (WIC) and its first Chair, member of Award Boards of IFAC, MAA, AMS and AWM, Chair of IEEE WIE WePOWER sub-Committee and World Bank WePOWER SAR Network Steering Committee Member, founder and faculty advisor of AWM and SIAM Student Chapters at KU, founder and coordinator of Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month Outreach Program, founder and Chair of Stochastic Adaptive Control Seminar and co-founder of Teaching Matters Seminar at KU. She is an Associate Editor of several Journals, and author and co-author of over 250 technical papers and book chapters. Her research is interdisciplinary and primarily in stochastic systems and control, stochastic modeling, and in STEM + education. She is a recipient of many awards including IREX Fellow, NSF Career Advancement, KU Women of Distinction, Kemper Fellow, IFAC Outstanding Service, Steeples Service to Kansans, H.O.P.E. , AWM L. Hay, Morrison, Max Wells, B. Price, Polish Ministry of Higher Education and Science, IEEE EAB Meritorious Achievement Award in Continuing Education, IFAC Award - Control Education Life Time Achievement and IFAC Inaugural Diversity and Inclusion Award. Her hobbies include music, art and poetry. She loves traveling. She has visited 57 countries around the world and Poland more than 120 times. She is passionate about interdisciplinary research, innovative teaching, diversity, equity and inclusion in helping and advancing others. Her husband, Tyrone Duncan, IEEE Life Fellow is an EE, and professor of mathematics; her daughter, Dominique Duncan is an EE, mathematician, assistant professor of neurology and bioengineering, and she is IEEE Senior Member.

University of Kansas, Department of Mathematics, Lawrence, Kansas 66045, USA E-mail:,